Thursday, November 27, 2008

Season's Greetings. I know I've not posted anything for a long time but I've been extremely busy working my ass off for my teacher's certification. Now that I'm 3 days away from finishing up my student teaching I think I'll try to get back to important sharing some of the dumb shit I've found on the series of tubes that is the Internets. On that note, here is an interesting thing I found on
It may not be everyone's cup-o-tea but I think it's funny. That's all for now folks, but I hope to get back in the blog posting routine soon. Oh wait, I almost forgot.............


Yeah, I'm pretty excited and before you point out the date discrepancy, I know he will not officially be the president until 2009 but as far as I'm concerned we've not had a President for the last eight years and on November 4, 2008 the United States got it's first competent President since...hmmm, I want to say Clinton but I want to avoid partisanism so I will go back to the last competent republican President, Nixon. I know, I know, the whole Watergate thing but he was actually a pretty sharp guy aside from the shady stuff. I will quote Barack's wife Michelle and say that "for the first time in my life I am proud of my country" for rising above racial division and choosing the best candidate for the job. My god, how easy would it have been for a white Obama to win given the obvious racial obstacles he had to overcome? We have come one step closer to racial equality but, unfortunately, many people are resistant to this change and refuse to accept this inevitable evolution (gasp!) of American this before you disagree! Racism is not over and it is my opinion that racism is evolving to include non-race hate like homophobia and know, the things Hitler stood for. Wake up people and step outside of you very little world and learn to accept people for who they are...people! I'm sure this will not be the last time I bring up these issues but I will end it for now because of my elation of Obama's election. Rock on and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Choke Update!

I just read that Choke has been bought by Fox Searchlight for 5 million dollars (at Sundance) and this means a wider release so...yippy! Go HERE for four clips from the movie. This movie should be in theaters around August 1, 2008 in limited release. Oh yeah, Palahniuk adapted the screenplay himself so it should be nothing but awesome...those clips are just how I imagined them when I read the book.
Side note: I'm currently reading "Stranger Than Fiction" by Palahniuk and it is holding up nicely to his other masterpeices. It is a quicker read (short stories) so if anyone out there wants to experience his stuff with out investing too much time should check it out.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dr. King and Chuck Palahniuk

First of all, Happy belated Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I may be a day late but I doubt Dr. King would want his dream of a peaceful end to inequality to be remembered only once a year. The fight is not over! Everyone needs to remember that Civil Rights should be universal, applying to ALL people regardless of skin color, religion, ethnicity, sex, or sexual preference. Thanks to the selfless sacrifices of men and women like Dr. King we are closer than ever to making that dream a reality...persistence is the key. Never forget the past, we have a long way to go and if we refuse to acknowledge the shortcomings of our historical decisions, as well as some recent ones, Dr. King's dream of total equality will never become a reality. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
With that being said...check out this video for a movie based on one of my favorite books: Choke!
Click the picture below for a summary of the book if you are interested...I don't think it spoils too much. For those who don't already know, Chuck Palahniuk is the author of "Fight Club," which was made into a movie staring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton a few years back. So if you liked Fight Club, keep your eyes open for this similarly eerie albeit completely different raw depiction of desperation at its finest.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

An Early X-mas Gift!

The Dark Knight is just around the corner and here is the newest trailer to prove it, enjoy...
Holy Badass Trailer, Batman! You can't tell me that didn't knock your socks right off! Why So Serious indeed? I am all worked up for more but I will restrain myself from watching the leaked short film (The Joker's background info) that is susposed to be shown before the iMax of I Am Legend. I would rather wait until I can see it in HD on the big screen but if any of you want to see it, which shouldn't be hard to find with a quick google but I will send you a link if requested. Teaser Posters...the last one is a fake but still pretty sweet:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Well, it's been a while since my last post and for a good reason, I've been sprunger deep in portfolio projects, book reviews, and final exams for the last month! I am almost finished with this semester and it looks like I have succeeded in passing all of my classes with flying colors. Now, all that is left to do is get ready for the holiday break and recuperate for next semester.

Speaking of X-mas, I am totally stoked for the upcoming festivities. My family and I have constructed a gingerbread house (pic coming soon), set up a few decorations, hung our stockings, and made a wreath for our front door so far and we plan on putting up our tree tonight. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if we will be able to travel to my folk's house this year but it is the first time in 7 years we have missed Christmas in Alabama so I hope everyone will be okay without us this year. My wife and I have almost finished our shopping for everyone we have to buy stuff for, else except ourselves...well I guess it is just me not having something for her yet but now that school is over my buddy Chris and I will go on our annual "shop for our wives but end up getting stuff for us" extravaganza. I love Christmas. The weather is great, I'm out of school, I get to relax with a good ole' BuhBuhBuhBing Crosby album and a glass of my special eggnog made of bourbon and ice cubes. Christmas is fantastic! I'm going to add more Christmas themed posts later but until then, enjoy my new graphics and take the new poll! Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwazy Kwanzaa, or Just a good old fashioned turkey induced coma. Whatever your beliefs may be, I hope the holiday season greets you with a giving spirit and a thankful heart.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Spirit!

I heard rumblings of this movie during the last Comicon but never get too excited until I get concrete confirmation of it is! Miller, who is better know as the writer of "Sin City" and "300," is trying his hand at directing a movie version of this legendary comic, which is written by Will Eisner. If you are unfamiliar with Eisner's work read up on him here. I will leave an explanation of the movie to the website as not to ruin the plot for those of you who aren't familiar with it already. I get overly excited about anything related to Frank Miller and this is no exception...this is going to be heavy green screen (ala 300) and has Sam Jackson cast as The Octopus...I'm sold! Click the pictures to reach the official website, which has a video introduction by Miller. Now if we can just get a Ronin adaptation made, I'd be in heaven.

Frank Miller Info

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BioDiesel Impala vs. Lamborghini

Okay, this is awesome! The next evolution in automobile technology is here. A man from Kansas has developed a way to double a Hummer's horsepower while increasing it's MPG diesel! Read this article for a more technical explanation of what was done then check out this video of a Bio-Impala beating a Lamborghini in a drag race. Now if we can just get the automobile industry to support this guy and keep the oil tycoons from burying the technology, we might be able to help the environment, ease the strain on our pocket books, and pimp out our rides all at the same time! By the way, if that is what can be done with SUV's and muscle cars, just imagine how great it would work with a car engineered specifically for optimizing fuel!