Sunday, December 16, 2007

An Early X-mas Gift!

The Dark Knight is just around the corner and here is the newest trailer to prove it, enjoy...
Holy Badass Trailer, Batman! You can't tell me that didn't knock your socks right off! Why So Serious indeed? I am all worked up for more but I will restrain myself from watching the leaked short film (The Joker's background info) that is susposed to be shown before the iMax of I Am Legend. I would rather wait until I can see it in HD on the big screen but if any of you want to see it, which shouldn't be hard to find with a quick google but I will send you a link if requested. Teaser Posters...the last one is a fake but still pretty sweet:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Wow, that looks amazing. Heath Ledger seems to be just custom made for that role, and I just melt every time I hear Michael Caine speak. Thanks for posting this; I didn't know it was out. I can't wait!