Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dr. King and Chuck Palahniuk

First of all, Happy belated Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I may be a day late but I doubt Dr. King would want his dream of a peaceful end to inequality to be remembered only once a year. The fight is not over! Everyone needs to remember that Civil Rights should be universal, applying to ALL people regardless of skin color, religion, ethnicity, sex, or sexual preference. Thanks to the selfless sacrifices of men and women like Dr. King we are closer than ever to making that dream a reality...persistence is the key. Never forget the past, we have a long way to go and if we refuse to acknowledge the shortcomings of our historical decisions, as well as some recent ones, Dr. King's dream of total equality will never become a reality. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
With that being said...check out this video for a movie based on one of my favorite books: Choke!
Click the picture below for a summary of the book if you are interested...I don't think it spoils too much. For those who don't already know, Chuck Palahniuk is the author of "Fight Club," which was made into a movie staring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton a few years back. So if you liked Fight Club, keep your eyes open for this similarly eerie albeit completely different raw depiction of desperation at its finest.

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