Friday, November 9, 2007

The Spirit!

I heard rumblings of this movie during the last Comicon but never get too excited until I get concrete confirmation of it is! Miller, who is better know as the writer of "Sin City" and "300," is trying his hand at directing a movie version of this legendary comic, which is written by Will Eisner. If you are unfamiliar with Eisner's work read up on him here. I will leave an explanation of the movie to the website as not to ruin the plot for those of you who aren't familiar with it already. I get overly excited about anything related to Frank Miller and this is no exception...this is going to be heavy green screen (ala 300) and has Sam Jackson cast as The Octopus...I'm sold! Click the pictures to reach the official website, which has a video introduction by Miller. Now if we can just get a Ronin adaptation made, I'd be in heaven.

Frank Miller Info

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