Sunday, December 16, 2007

An Early X-mas Gift!

The Dark Knight is just around the corner and here is the newest trailer to prove it, enjoy...
Holy Badass Trailer, Batman! You can't tell me that didn't knock your socks right off! Why So Serious indeed? I am all worked up for more but I will restrain myself from watching the leaked short film (The Joker's background info) that is susposed to be shown before the iMax of I Am Legend. I would rather wait until I can see it in HD on the big screen but if any of you want to see it, which shouldn't be hard to find with a quick google but I will send you a link if requested. Teaser Posters...the last one is a fake but still pretty sweet:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Well, it's been a while since my last post and for a good reason, I've been sprunger deep in portfolio projects, book reviews, and final exams for the last month! I am almost finished with this semester and it looks like I have succeeded in passing all of my classes with flying colors. Now, all that is left to do is get ready for the holiday break and recuperate for next semester.

Speaking of X-mas, I am totally stoked for the upcoming festivities. My family and I have constructed a gingerbread house (pic coming soon), set up a few decorations, hung our stockings, and made a wreath for our front door so far and we plan on putting up our tree tonight. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if we will be able to travel to my folk's house this year but it is the first time in 7 years we have missed Christmas in Alabama so I hope everyone will be okay without us this year. My wife and I have almost finished our shopping for everyone we have to buy stuff for, else except ourselves...well I guess it is just me not having something for her yet but now that school is over my buddy Chris and I will go on our annual "shop for our wives but end up getting stuff for us" extravaganza. I love Christmas. The weather is great, I'm out of school, I get to relax with a good ole' BuhBuhBuhBing Crosby album and a glass of my special eggnog made of bourbon and ice cubes. Christmas is fantastic! I'm going to add more Christmas themed posts later but until then, enjoy my new graphics and take the new poll! Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwazy Kwanzaa, or Just a good old fashioned turkey induced coma. Whatever your beliefs may be, I hope the holiday season greets you with a giving spirit and a thankful heart.