Friday, October 19, 2007

Sweet Zombie Jesus, Futurama Movie Trailer!

Yo holms, let me axe you a question. How awesome is this trailer? Sure it's got skills...but will said skills pay the bills? Who knows but there is one thing we can all agree on...the sweet taste of Charleston Chew! Sure the video is full of kick ass scenes...but you don't hear me not complaining. Be sure to pick up the DVD on November 27...I find the most erotic part of a women's body is the boobies!

You watched it! You can't unwatch it!

Here is the IMDb Site for Bender's Big Score - See voice list (Al Gore, Mark Hamill, Sarah Silverman, Tom Kenny)

Here is the Official Bily West Site - See forum for random Futurama news from Fry himself!

Here is a good Futurama Fan Site

I hope everyone is as excited as I am right now because come Nov 27...I'll have no date, a 2 liter bottles of Shasta and my all Rush mix-tape...Lets Rock!

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