Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sammy Dee is Marvelous!

Check it out...I'm an Uncle! Samantha Dee Kelley was born last week to my Brother, DJ, and his wife, Barbara. She is absolutely beautiful and very expressive. You can almost make out her crazy long toes in this pic...she gets that from me. DJ and Barbara did a knock up job with this baby. I know the phrase is "knock out" but my cheesy pun doesn't work that way. Here are a few more pictures of Sam:
Sam with her Aunt Ginny

Abby looking thrilled to be holding her cute competition!

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...a close-up! Doesn't she look like DJ? She even has his smart ass squinty eyed look if thinking, "What are you looking at; ain't you ever seen a baby before?" This is but one of the hundreds of faces I saw her make in the few hours I was with her last weekend.

I will periodically post updates of my new niece and for the die hard fans, you can check out for a site updated by Barbara's brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one fabulously attractive little baby. So many babies! Congratulations!