Thursday, November 27, 2008

Season's Greetings. I know I've not posted anything for a long time but I've been extremely busy working my ass off for my teacher's certification. Now that I'm 3 days away from finishing up my student teaching I think I'll try to get back to important sharing some of the dumb shit I've found on the series of tubes that is the Internets. On that note, here is an interesting thing I found on
It may not be everyone's cup-o-tea but I think it's funny. That's all for now folks, but I hope to get back in the blog posting routine soon. Oh wait, I almost forgot.............


Yeah, I'm pretty excited and before you point out the date discrepancy, I know he will not officially be the president until 2009 but as far as I'm concerned we've not had a President for the last eight years and on November 4, 2008 the United States got it's first competent President since...hmmm, I want to say Clinton but I want to avoid partisanism so I will go back to the last competent republican President, Nixon. I know, I know, the whole Watergate thing but he was actually a pretty sharp guy aside from the shady stuff. I will quote Barack's wife Michelle and say that "for the first time in my life I am proud of my country" for rising above racial division and choosing the best candidate for the job. My god, how easy would it have been for a white Obama to win given the obvious racial obstacles he had to overcome? We have come one step closer to racial equality but, unfortunately, many people are resistant to this change and refuse to accept this inevitable evolution (gasp!) of American this before you disagree! Racism is not over and it is my opinion that racism is evolving to include non-race hate like homophobia and know, the things Hitler stood for. Wake up people and step outside of you very little world and learn to accept people for who they are...people! I'm sure this will not be the last time I bring up these issues but I will end it for now because of my elation of Obama's election. Rock on and have a Happy Thanksgiving!