Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

May The Farce Be With You!

Not since Kingdom Hearts was released for the PS2 have I been so pleased with a combination of my favorite things. Now all we need is for Groening and Lucas to collaborate with a full length episode...much like the Star Trek episode of Futurama! That is all.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

August Birthday Blog!

Well the August birthday party for Myself (29th), DJ (25th), Jessica (can't remember...12th I think?), and Sam (8th) was last weekend. Unfortunately, we had to have the bash in Louisville, because Barbara recently had baby Sam and isn't ready to travel with her yet...I don't blame her, I just know how disappointed all of my Murray friends are that they can't be involved. There will be another party held in my honor this Saturday (the 8th) at my friend Jimmy's house if anyone is interested in attending, just ask and I will fill you in on the details. Back to the Louisville bash; it was a blast as usual and here are some highlights for those who couldn't make it:

Barbara made a delectable homemade cake which was decimated in a matter of minutes. Jessica and Doug had to leave early but their presence was enjoyed as always. My mom came up with my brother, Cliff, all the way from Mobile so that was cool.

And of course, no party would be complete without a diaper change Awwwwwwe:

Gifts were abound, food was plentiful, booze was flowin', and cigars were smoked...good times were had by all. Our good friend, Daniel, showed up for the festivities and partnered with Ginny to kick Cliff's, DJ's, and my asses at Trivial Pursuit '80 edition and Pop Culture DVD! It was a fun-filled night. The trip was capped by the viewing of the latest Harry Potter movie at the iMax3D theatre. I highly suggest seeing it in iMax3D if possible. I can't wait for another excuse to make the four hour drive to Louisville to see Sam, I don't think it is possible for me to be more in love with Sam...becoming an Uncle is the best gift I could ever receive and I cherish every second Ginny and I get to spend with her.

Thank You to every one who helped make this years birthday special, memorable, and know who you are. I look forward to many more gatherings throughout the year and isn't it about time for it to cool the balls off, literally...bring on the Fall!